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This package is designed for people who are aware about the power of Online World and want to make their presence felt online. They have started a new business or are running a business which they would like to take it online in a better way. They may even have made some basic website or registered on some forums like JustDial etc. but now are keen on taking their brand to the next level.

You can choose from any of the below packages:

Sr. No.Package DetailsQuote in INR*Nature
1Creative HTML websites with Unique EffectsStarting from Rs.15000 One Time
2CMS based websites with backend panelStarting from Rs.45000One Time
3Google Adwords & PPC (Pay per Click) Campaign 20% of BudgetOngoing
4On-page Optimization of WebsiteRs. 5,000 to Rs. 15,000One Time
Off-page SEO of WebsiteRs. 5,000 to Rs. 50,000Monthly
5SMS & E-mail Marketing10% of BudgetOngoing
6Social Media – Facebook Page CreationRs. 10,000One Time
–Facebook Page ManagementRs. 5,000 to Rs. 25,000Monthly
– Facebook Page Marketing10% of BudgetOngoing

*These are Approximate Package Details. Exact Quote can be provided based on actual requirements.
Connect today with the Nang’s (Crazy Webbers) to get the exact Quote